Friday, 7 February 2014

Get to work!

This is the first week of our project.  For we did not get the DC motor and other instruments, we spend many time brainstorming the arrangement and design. Beyond that, we looked through many books and watched videos in the hope of getting further information about DC motor. We truely found many interesting things :)

This project generally consist of two parts. One is, of course, hard modelling based on a breadboard: and the other is computer modelling, that is use MATLAB Simulink to process simulation and analog. We have much work to do.

Here is our instruments list:
1. A geared DC motor
2. A DC supply
3. A H-bridge
4. A Potentiometer
5. A Arduino UNO board
6. A 10K ohm resistor
7. A switch
8. A bread board

We are looking forward to the next week! More posts will be updated soon.
Thank you!

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